SGE: Building count is now updated correctly when editing saves - SGE: Unit count is now updated correctly when editing saves - SGE: Small Wonders are now handled correctly when assiging them to cities - SGE: Changing the Unit coordinates from odd-odd to even-even and vice verse now works as for cities - SGE: Bug where the tool crashed when changing tab with invalid coordinates entered corrected. SGE: Bug where all last buildings in the rules would get unbuilt when a save was loaded and resaved corrected. Full history in readme or earlier threads 1.00 - SGE: Default loading directory now is the latest played game Civ3/PTW save directory - SGE: Great Wonders are now handled correctly when assiging them to cities - SGE: Bug where the buildinglist would show more than one copy of each building corrected. Version history The history is cut down to follow message length limit. If you have any 0.x version you will have to use the full installer.
#Civilization iii save game editor upgrade#
Note that any upgrade zip will require at least version 1.00 to be upgraded. You can get the files needed from the linked setup file or the files listed in the readme and in the post. You will need VB runtime to use this utility. This thread starts with version 1.04 on the day exactly two years after what would turn into this tool was released. Latest version: 1.12.8 Well, since all my previous threads has reached the 500 posts limit I have to start a fourth one. Warning: saved game and expanded game management are work in progress, do not try to. This new editor is for Civilization III conquest with the latest patch. More than a few times, I've played a random map game in PTW (and regular CIV III for that matter) which, after I was done, made me think. Then open up the original with any text editor and add the following lines.

Please enter the text from the image into the box below then click Download: Server: GPP.